Friday, April 16, 2010

Opposites attract

I hate spending money!.....

Well I like the idea of it. I always have the best intentions. But, for some reason no matter what I hate to spend my money.

King Los... well he loves to spend money.

So for us money is always about a balancing act between saving and spending and submitting and agreeing.

Although as much as it pains me to say this I am glad I married a spender. Because, if it weren't for him we would never ever do anything fun. We would never go out to eat or for ice cream. (oh how i love you ice cream)

I always knew they said opposites attract however I often forget to be thankful for that fact. Although I realize most of arguments are about our very differing opinions I am thankful for those opposite opinions.

We are currently living with only one car. (Oh yea and a shiny silver motorcycle!) So we have been throwing around the idea of buying another one. However I have a personal rule and that is never buy a car unless you can pay for it in cash.

King los has a rule and that is never Not buy a car that you want! Ok I'm teasing just a little. But, he is being so great a bout it since he knows I am having a hard time even thinking bout the idea of spending that kind of money on a car right now. So he decided to let us see if we can survive this summer without two cars and then we can talk buying another one this fall.

Now that my friends is how you compromise! Even though he knows I will have a hard time buying one in the fall. I know we will have to buy one unless King Los is going to turn his cycle into a snowmobile.

In my fantasy land, this is my dream family car. The Queen Los mobile!

So if in the meantime you find any blogs doing a giveaway for this kind of car, let me know! Because this lil beaut can hold six kiddos and I would still look stylish driving it! Another great perk would be the fact that King los would actually allow me to own one since it is not a minivan!

So take sometime this weekend to appreciate the opposites in your hubby. Especially the ones that you know actually help you be a better you!


Parenting in blue jeans said...

Just stopping by from teh UBP. Nice to meet you. Feel free to pop over to my blog, Parenting in Blue Jeans. I have a date night giveaway going on right now (last day of it actually). You're welcome to put your name in the hat! That might help the both of you...I bet you both love free! :)

Unknown said...

That would be a pretty sweet giveaway. :)