Thursday, June 24, 2010

Say it then pray it.....

I don't know why it took my so long to write this post. I guess mostly because this is the one I struggle with the most.

I talked a lot in my last post about the awful things we can say to hurt our husbands to try and "change" their minds. But, what about the things we say that aren't disrespectful but are said over and over again?

Better to live in a desert then with a quarrelsome and ill tempered wife. Proverbs 21:19

"The Nag" a man's worst nightmare. The women who goes on and on about what they need to change. How they paid bills late again this month and won't you ever learn to throw your socks in the hamper?! The wife that thinks she needs to say it a couple hundred times because if he didn't change or stop right away he clearly didn't understand. This means it needs to be stated again and again until he changes. (Wrong!)

Why is it that we think we have a right to always be telling him the areas he is failing in? Making him feel as if he can never measure up or expecting him to change over night.

How many times do us women continue to do the same mistakes over and over again? Yet, if you hubby is like mine he continues to forgive and doesn't nag.

A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day; restraining her is like restraining the wind, or like grasping oil with the hand.
Proverbs 27:15-16

I don't know about you but that sure doesn't sound like the women I want to be. So that is why I came up with this motto. Say it then pray it! I remember my granny saying something a long those lines to me. You can't change a person by persistent nagging. Thats only annoying! But, what if we spoke kindly and respectfully sharing our concern and then we took it to the lord. He is after all the only one who can really change someone!

Say it then pray it! It so much harder then it sounds but im determined to continue to work at it!

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