Tuesday, January 11, 2011

He carries me!

Prince J came home on Friday from the NICU which we are so grateful for. It is a blessing to have our family altogether and start transitioning into what I like to call our new normal.

However I would not be honest with you if I said things aren't hard right now. It's been a huge adjustment for Princess Eli not only because she now has a brother she has to share attention  with but because for six weeks she lived with my parents who spoiled her rotten as grandparents should. She is actually doing pretty well with Prince J but has become exceedingly whiny and naughty. I know all this is completely normal and my heart goes out to her as I know this is a hard adjustment for her.

Prince J is doing excellent so far he only cries when hes hungry but he seems to be always hungry. So no sleep for the weary. Little sleep makes the baby blues a lot worse for me. The thing I hate about the baby blues is that I really have no control over my feelings but I do have control over how I handle them. Thankfully this went away around 4 to 6 weeks last time.

But, I say all this not to complain because well honestly this time around is a lot better then It was with Princess Eli. King Los he has been so amazing and so helpful. The Lord, well he is the only thing sustaining me right now. I saw this verse on a blog I read today and it spoke to me so much!

He tends his flock like a shepherd:

He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.
-Isaiah 40:11

Right now I know the Lord is carrying me to close to his heart and I see the light at the end of the tunnel as I know this to shall pass. My emotions tell me I cannot go on and they are right and that is why the Lord carries me.

How Awesome it is to have a Savior who cares so much for us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh amanda! i wish so badly i could come over and talk with you and help you! i'm hoping that by the end of this week, my cold will be gone for good. my heart goes out to you as i know who poopy (to put it nicely) the baby blues are. i am praying for you daily. call me when you have a minute. miss you