Before I post about some great ideas of serving in easy mom friendly ways that still make a big impact, I want to share something God has been showing me about this whole serving topic.
First off, we are all called to serve!
However just because we are all called to serve does not mean we are called to do ALL things!
I love how the ladies from Passionate housewives desperate for God by Jennie Chancey and Stacy McDonald, talk about this subject.
"God has a lot for us to do! His work for women isn't small, narrow, or confining. It calls forth the best in us and requires the faithful use of the talents he bestows. At the same time, God desires us to do his work His way!"
We DO NOT have to be doing "BIG" things to be making a BIG difference in peoples lives! Sometimes the little things get swept under the rug to make room for the big projects which are time consuming and don't always have the best rate of one on one time with people. Doing little consistent things make a big impact on non-believers because they are seeing God's word lived out through our lives!
Our husbands should come first and then our children and then of course others. We cannot forget that we are our husband's only help meet and our children's only mother.
Serving should be a way of life! It should be something you do throughout your day and something that your children grow to just do naturally because that is what they have seen from their parents!
Just because a program is making a huge difference in peoples lives and it seems all the doors are being opened for you to help with it, does not mean that is really what God wants. If that ministry is taking away to much time from your family and your main priorities it is not what God wants for you. If you are like me and are not extremely organized and great at balancing at time you will have to be really careful with saying yes to many things. It's so easy to just say yes to so many things then become overwhelmed. I know I needed to learn how to say the No word a lot more.
You will never regret the time you spent investing in your children and being the best possible help meet for your husband. You may regret all the time missed while you were busy volunteering for different projects that caused you to miss precious moments of time in your little ones lives. (I already had to learn this the first year of princess Eli's life and I had to actually step down from a ministry I was involved in.)
Take some time to talk God about your priorities and if you are really doing His work His way!
Great book (Passionate Wives...). Yes, God first, others second, ourselves last.
I've always agreed with this. Sometimes we have to put blinders on when pursuing God's primary call upon our lives. Those blinders come in handy not only to keep us focused, but to help us not pay attention to the condescending or disagreeable looks that we can receive for doing such a "menial" thing even in the eyes of other Christian ladies!
Have a blessed night!
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